Summer Volunteers 2024
You Are Needed!
Whether your schedule is impacted by a school year ending, better camping weather, or a shift in work responsibilities, we know that summer calendars fill up. Volunteer roles through Resurrection such as serving with children and youth, set-up for outdoor worship, and worship welcome teams are impacted as well.
How might you serve in a way that connects you with others and supports vibrant worship and programming? Leaders are happy to work with your summer schedules. Talk to any church staff and know that training will be provided.
Outdoor Worship Set-up/Online Streaming
Can you help with indoor online streaming (9am) or outdoor worship set-up (10:30am?)
Serve With Children
Can you help serve at Vacation Bible Adventure and other children's events this summer?
Can you serve one weekend on the Welcome team (usher, greeter, weekend coordinator, or communion server)?